Sunday, February 3, 2019

Short Days and Discipline Derbies

Howdy Folks!

It is now the end of week 4 and beginning of week 5 in this crazy journey.

This week was a whirlwind of a lot of excitement and testing my flexibility.

Between the early dismissals, 2 hour delays, and managing some student misbehaviors, I would say that I learned a lot this week.

The main thing that sticks out for me this week was the ability to be flexible. Throughout the week, we had multiple surprises in regards to winter weather.
Image result for Polar Vortex

Monday: Normal Class Schedule
Tuesday: 2 hour early dismissal
Wednesday: 2 hour delay
Thursday: 2 hour delay
Friday: Normal Class Schedule

What did this mean for me and my planning?
This schedule effected each of my classes differently.

Power Mechanics 1- Total Class Time: 3 1/2 hours
Greenhouse- Total Class Time: 3 1/2 Hours
Intro to Ag Science- Total Class Time: 3 Hours

I lost an entire day with my Intro to Ag Science students.

I learned that not only am I an excellent planner, but I am also incredibly flexible. When things happen spur of the moment, I am able to adapt and change at the drop of a hat. I have been complimented numerous times on my ability to be flexible, however, I was finally able to see this shine through throughout this past week.

Not only was I able to be flexible with my plans and delivery, I was also able to experience when a student misbehaved in front of my eyes, or used disrespectful words when I asked politely for him to follow school rules by removing his hood.

I was able to think in the moment and react in a matter of seconds.
What I've learned from this: breathe! Don't make any rash decisions, they are just kids.

Gems from the week:
-Planning/Being organized

Opportunities for improvement:
-Think before you react
-Don't be afraid to ask for help!


  1. A common theme I’m seeing from your cohort is FLEXIBILITY. Welcome to teacher life. 😁

  2. Kayla,
    I challenge you to end each blog post with a question you want answered.

    As we discuss flexibility, we should also make sure we are still achieving productivity - this is tough, but we must make progress regardless of circumstance!

