Friday, January 25, 2019

This is not a drill- Fire Alarms

It's Thursday, January 24, 2019.

I have set up my swivl device to record myself teaching, lesson plans are prepared, powerpoints made, bellwork on the board.

Video is recording. 

Warning Bell rings.

Student shoves entire face in camera screen.
Redirect students to seats and explain that we will address the technology at a later time.

Bell rings.
Students, if you haven't already, you should be working to complete the bellwork which is displayed on the screen (Apple TV).
As I am directing students to complete the bellwork....

Fire alarm goes off. 
Image result for fire

Ms. Cashell- Grabs the binder, redirects students to exit through the side door.
Ms. Stauffer- Holds the side door open and counts students, directing them on where to go.

Principal- Who are you missing?
Principal radios to find student.
Student is located.

Other students- Really, a fire drill in the pouring rain?
Principal- This is NOT a drill. Do you seriously think that I would make you all come out here in the pouring rain on the second to last day of the semester?

10 Minutes later. 

Principal- Students, you may go underneath the awning but do not enter the building.

2 minutes later.
Principal- Go back to class.

Recount students to ensure everyone is safe and back in the building. 

Okay students, we have a lot to get done today and not a lot of time, and that fire alarm did not help.

-Remained calm, ensured that all students were safe.
-Tried to create a sense of urgency for students to get everything accomplished.

Opportunities for improvement: 
-Set the stage for next semesters students that I am a student teacher which means that I will need to record our lessons every now and then in order to improve myself and continue growing as a teacher.
-Always be prepared, know where the emergency folder is and what the protocol is.

Image result for this is not a drill

How was your week?


  1. We need to hold up a red card or green card to tell at a glance if we are good or have an issue. One day, I was outside when a drill happened. Obviously I wasn’t carrying my emergency packet. I now have miniature red and green cards made of construction paper in my ID holder. Since we always have to wear IDs, I’ve always got the code cards.

  2. Kayla,
    Is it bad I laughed out loud when reading this?

    Just keep on keeping on with a focus to "learn" between you and the students. Make the best of what we have with what time we have!

