Saturday, February 16, 2019

Jack of All Trades (Week 6)

This week- was crazy and I found myself wearing many different hats. But to start, this was my week:
Monday- Snow Day 
Tuesday- Snow Day 
Wednesday- Full Day
Thursday- Full Day
Friday- Full Day for students, I got to catch up with my cohort! 
Snow days. 
This past week, I was on the hate end of that love hate relationship. I planned so hard for the entire week, expecting to be in school for 4 full days. My dreams were crushed when I awoke on Monday morning to a snow day text message, and another one on Tuesday. So, how did I overcome and become flexible? 
Well, I rearranged some lessons, consolidated some activities, and all was well. 

Wednesday we were back in the classroom and I only had two days with my students. In these two days, I knew that I needed to get a lot done. Both content wise and just in general. We ended up losing a little bit more time because I chose to volunteer my time and my students time to help Mrs. Cashell-Martin with the Valentine's Day Rose Sale. Roses, filler flower, and greenery still needed to be boxed and labeled for customers to pick up on Wednesday and Thursday.
Image result for valentines day

In addition to the classwork that needed to be completed, I was also in charge of the strawberry sale fundraiser that our members were participating in. Those forms were due on Friday, however, we still have some rolling in. 

Thursday,  my students were really engaged and excited for the lessons. I was able to get my Power Mechanics students out into the shop doing some hands on projects with concrete. My introduction to Ag students were excited to have a special visitor to help them review the content that we have covered thus far. (Taylor, my ex service dog in training)

What I've learned throughout this week: 
-Agriculture Educators truly are a jack of all trades, between fundraisers, classwork, FFA meetings, etc., this job is NOT a 9-5 and quite frankly, I'm okay with that!
-Students need reminders. Although you have told them multiple times when the fundraiser paper is due, they need a reminder at least two days back to back prior to the form being due. 
-Flexibility is key, it will keep you from going insane 
-Remember who needs to work hard planning (you, as the Ag. Educator) and who needs to work just as hard in the classroom (your students)
-You need to know more than just scratching the surface on content (one day ahead of your students)

Questions that I have: 
-How can I increase content knowledge? I have begun reading the textbooks and really doing research, but is there a better way to gain content knowledge?
-As I prepare to pick up my 4th of 5 classes during this experience, what are some organizational strategies that I could use to keep the classes content separate in my mind? How do I remember what content I'm teaching to what class and how do I quickly transition my brain to the next class period? 
-Domestic animals (dogs) in the classroom- how do you handle this situation? (I brought my dog in to review pet ownership and basic grooming) What are some strategies to limit the distraction that a live animal may bring into the classroom?

Stay tuned for all the craziness that is National FFA Week!


  1. 1) Content Knowledge - I love industry externships

    2) Multiple classes - Teach with a plan in hand at all times. write notes on the plan

    3) Domestic Animals - Always a have policy and protocol before bringing animals in!

  2. Kayla, Dr. Foster is very right. I know this does not help you right now during your internship, however, the best way to learn what your students will need to know is to go out into industry and experience the types of jobs you are preparing students to do. Additionally, your content will build over time with various professional development trainings/workshops. For right now, however, don't be afraid to pull in external industry folks as guests to help fill in the robust content knowledge that you feel you're lacking right now. Also, plan plan plan. The way you keep your wits about you in the few minutes from one class to the next is your plan. That's what it's there for.
