Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Greetings from Maryland

I began my student teaching internship by trucking my way down to Hagerstown, Maryland on Sunday evening.

Yes, I wrote that correctly, I am currently sitting in a classroom in Maryland.

While my peers were experiencing their first day as student teachers by taking their students to Mid-Winter Convention and exploring the Pennsylvania Farm Show, I was in Maryland learning everything that I need to learn as I prepare to teach my first class this upcoming Monday.

This week has been filled with multiple tears shed, realizations made, but also a love gained for the students that I get to interact with for the next 15 weeks.

Day 1 was fairly simple, observing Mrs. Cashell-Martin, learning all of the ins and outs of her school day, discussing the expectations throughout the next 15 weeks, and having a small heart to heart about the difficulty of this experience but also being reassured that people have faith in me and I CAN do this.

Day 2. LONG. That's the only word that I  can think of to describe yesterday. I began my day waking up at 6:30 am, and did not return to my home away from home away from home until 9:00 pm. Seven of those hours were spent observing and teaching students. Two of those hours were spent planning for the next week as well as the remainder of this internship. Three of those hours were spent in committee meetings followed by alumni meetings. Of the 24 hours in a day, approximately 14 1/2 of them were spent either in the classroom, planning, or attending to FFA related meetings, events, or activities. That means that I was at my home away from home away from home for approximately 10 hours yesterday. You can do the math.

What I've realized going into Day 3 is that I have a new appreciation for Agricultural Educators and FFA Advisors. While I had an incredible fondness for them prior to this week, I am finding that my appreciation and respect for them as well as everything that Penn State has prepare me for continues to increase each and every day.

Let's do this friends, FOR THE KIDS!



  1. Thanks for sharing Kayla. It looks like a great deal of fun is to be had!

    As we move forward, remember our reflection model (React, Reflect, Respond). Pick that ONE big thing from the and really flesh it out.

    Imagine having 15 BIG ideas or things you have identified as important in your teaching journey when we look back after 15 weeks!

    I drove through Boonesboro on Wednesday on the way to Washington D. C. :)_

  2. Kayla, sounds like a great start to your student teaching internship. Glad to hear you have open lines of communication with Mrs. Cashell-Martin. I know it seems like a lot of watching and waiting right now, but you will soon find a groove in your daily routine and the fun begins! Not going to lie, this experience will be a tough one, but you will come out the other end a stronger professional. Can't wait to hear more about it.
