Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What Can I Eat With This Beak?

As I prepared to travel to Juniata High School with Sara Lang, I had all of the confidence in the world.

Upon arrival, I began to get a little bit more anxious about how the students would react to me as a teacher, the technology that was used, and more importantly, how they would react to the lesson.

I am pleased to announce that the lesson went on with minor hiccups throughout. The lesson began with a bellwork question regarding shore birds, I was interested that some of the students had never been to a beach before. Which is exactly why I included pictures of the birds in a Powerpoint as well. The bellwork was proceeded by a short clip from a Disney short entitled Piper. Which featured a sand piper and his search for food.

After discussing the reasoning behind why I used this clip, the students were then instructed to go out into the shop area, which connected to the classroom and gather into groups that I had put together using a numbering system. This is where the first hiccup came in, I had to get all of the students out into the shop in a timely fashion, in their assigned groups, and take the recording technology with me.

Once everyone was settled into the shop, I gave each group a household item to attempt to pick up various "food items." When they were finished, they were to record how many food items each member collected. Which brings me to hiccup number 2... I had forgotten to instruct the students to bring the papers into the shop area with them. I instructed the students to grab their papers, quickly, and come right back into the shop area. (Thankfully, I had some rockstar students and this was able to happen without any issues).

After returning to the shop area, students were scrambling to write the results down from the first attempt. There were work tables but only on one side of the shop so the other students were having trouble writing on the ground as well as picking up the food items off the ground.

Throughout the many hiccups, the lesson went on fairly well. The students were engaged, Mrs. Morgan was genuinely happy with what I had to offer her class, and provided me with some awesome feedback. 

Things to fix:
-Clarity with instructions!
-Tables or clipboards for students to write on
-Tables or some kind of plate to place the food items on so that they aren't all over the floor
-Explaining the technology prior to the end of the lesson

I was incredibly happy with my lesson and am excited to be one step closer to my student teaching experience!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, your activity sounds like it engaged the students in many different ways and was a positive experience for both you and them. I like how you reflected on your opps, and made yourself a list of things to improve on for the future, as this will prove to be helpful later on!
