Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Virtual Mentor Exploration #3

Essential Question:
What are the best tips/resources you would provide to a new teacher regarding special needs accommodations?

If you haven't already picked up on it, this is by far my favorite topic to discuss. While enrolled at Penn State and studying Agricultural and Extension Education, I have also been pursuing a special education minor. Recently, I have even been looking into the 4+1 program that Penn State has to offer which would allow me to obtain my teaching certification in Agricultural Education, a Masters in Special Education, and potentially obtain my teaching certification in Special Education.

But, enough about me! Here's what my virtual mentors had to say in regards to special needs accommodations.

  1. Ask for help, especially from the special education teacher.
  2. Record evidence of your accommodation. 
  3. Address lab area accommodations addressed in the IEP.
  4. READ the IEP. 
  5. Be patient!
  6. Know the difference between accommodation and modifications.
All of these tips and tricks are resources that I intend to use throughout my student teaching experience and I cannot wait to combine my passion for agricultural and my passion for special education at Boonsboro. 

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