Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Life Knowledge Reflection

One step closer to student teaching.

One step closer to becoming a teacher.

One step closer to graduation.

This was round 2 of my life knowledge lesson. The first time, I felt incredibly unprepared, and not genuinely interested in the topic at hand. Although the students were fairly interested in the topic, I felt incredibly scattered and unprepared.

So fast forward to round 2 of my life knowledge lesson.
I felt more prepared than the first time around, however, I was still not wild about the lesson.

The lesson was in regards to why people join organizations, in an attempt to promote recruitment for the FFA program. The materials provided to me through the FFA life knowledge lesson was incredibly dry material that was also repetitive. I could see the students losing interest and being bored. I attempted to get them  up and moving and increase class participation, but they were not having any parts of it.

Looking back on the lesson, I think that  I would add some of my own words and activities to get more engagement and not repeat the same information for an hour. I would also include a recruitment video to promote the Boonsboro FFA. The recruitment video would gain interest of students who may not have otherwise been interested. I would also attempt to locate another recruitment video for a different organization so that I was not just tailoring to the needs of the FFA students.

Overall, I was not very happy with my life knowledge lesson, but the main point is that the students learned something. Although it was dry and boring, the students genuinely learned.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, not every lesson is going to be your best lesson, but reflecting on what needs to be improved will help allow more "best" lessons to happen. Remember, the LifeKnowledge and other "canned" learning materials are there to serve as a foundation and a reference, but it is up to you to tailor and adapt them to best suit the needs of your students and to create purposeful and engaging learning activities.
