Monday, April 15, 2019

Science Classroom Visit

I recently had the pleasure of observing an Anatomy and Physiology class at Boonsboro High School.

The class consisted of a lab that allowed students to test their
strength, grip, and fatigue.

The objectives for the class were:
-Measure and compare grip strength of your right and left hands
-Correlate grip strength with gender and certain physical characteristics
-Compare the pinch strength of the individual fingers of the dominant hand
Image result for labquest

Interest Level/Why:
-Students engaged in the content, new technology that they have not used before
-Interested in which hand was stronger and why the dominant hand is weaker than non-dominant hand

Teaching Methods:
-Inquiry, students were walking themselves through the lab given directions

The teacher did an excellent job at having students think for themselves. Students were given a direction sheet and informed that it was their responsibility to complete the lab packet with their group members. The teacher was facilitating the classroom and not giving away information.

Business-like behavior: Creates a sense of urgency, engages in student behaviors
Enthusiasm: Engages in student labs
Clarity: Clarifies instructions to student
Variability: Students engaged in lab entire class period, doing both grip strength and pinch strength
With-it-ness: Incredible wealth of content knowledge, being able to explain the lesson to students and other faculty who enter the room, asking questions and answering questions as they arise.
Learner Centered-ness: Teacher facilitating learning, students

Other Comments:

Teacher did not interact with students throughout the class as far as feeding information, students were engaged in lab activity the entire time, students are taking this course to serve as a college credit for HCC

Image result for hagerstown community college

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