Sunday, March 17, 2019

Full Steam Ahead- Week 10

Choo Choo.
Full steam ahead.
Image result for train blowing steam

Week 10 has come and gone with what feels like the blink of an eye. I have picked up my last class totally a full load of 5 classes for the last 5 weeks of my internship. The more time that I spend with my students, immersed in the content that is agriculture education, the more I fall in love with the students and the content.

This week was full of recognizing when things went wrong, how to fix them, and also celebrating the wins.  I was able to serve as the FFA advisor for a chapter meeting which gave me butterflies thinking about one day leading a chapter of my own.
"Here by the owl," will forever hold a special place in my heart.
Image result for owl cartoon

Perks of this week:
1. Full load of classes, bell to bell instruction EVERY day
2. Organization!
3. Creating quality alternative assignments
4. Planting 7-800 plants in one day
5. Feeling confident in my teaching instruction and activities
Image result for bell to bell instruction

Questions that I have:
1. I am currently struggling to come up with activities for my forestry and soils class. We are transitioning from a forestry management unit to a forest ecosystems unit. What suggestions or advice do you have for making this class more interactive and engaging?

2. Classroom management- the last class of the day. I struggle with keeping the attention of students at the end of the school day. Sometimes they finish their ticket out question prior to the bell ringing and think that it is okay to get up and line up at the door or go chat with friends. I have addressed the issue a few times. What is something that I can do to ensure that students are remaining in their seats until the bell rings AND I dismiss them for the day?

3. Cell phones. School policy states that cell phones, head phones and hoods are not to be on/out during class. The school has not been very consistant with the consequences for having these items out. How can I enforce these rules in my classroom?

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