I have set up my swivl device to record myself teaching, lesson plans are prepared, powerpoints made, bellwork on the board.
Video is recording.
10:39.Warning Bell rings.
Student shoves entire face in camera screen.
Redirect students to seats and explain that we will address the technology at a later time.
Bell rings.
Students, if you haven't already, you should be working to complete the bellwork which is displayed on the screen (Apple TV).
As I am directing students to complete the bellwork....
Fire alarm goes off.

Ms. Cashell- Grabs the binder, redirects students to exit through the side door.
Ms. Stauffer- Holds the side door open and counts students, directing them on where to go.
Principal- Who are you missing?
Principal radios to find student.
Student is located.
Other students- Really, a fire drill in the pouring rain?
Principal- This is NOT a drill. Do you seriously think that I would make you all come out here in the pouring rain on the second to last day of the semester?
10 Minutes later.
Principal- Students, you may go underneath the awning but do not enter the building.
2 minutes later.
Principal- Go back to class.
Recount students to ensure everyone is safe and back in the building.
Okay students, we have a lot to get done today and not a lot of time, and that fire alarm did not help.
-Remained calm, ensured that all students were safe.
-Tried to create a sense of urgency for students to get everything accomplished.
Opportunities for improvement:
-Set the stage for next semesters students that I am a student teacher which means that I will need to record our lessons every now and then in order to improve myself and continue growing as a teacher.
-Always be prepared, know where the emergency folder is and what the protocol is.

How was your week?