Thursday, September 27, 2018

One Down.

One Down. 

13 More To Go. 

This week, I finalized my VERY.FIRST.UNIT.PLAN. 

I am so thankful that I initially began by creating my First Original Lesson Plan that will be taught in this unit as it helped me to create the unit and get the wheels turning.

In High School, I took Veterinary Science courses and was at one point in time (as any other young teenage girl) convinced that I was going to be a veterinarian. When I was determining my student teaching placement, I wanted to channel that inner love and passion for animal sciences, however, I knew that I needed to improve in areas as well.

Boonsboro focuses mainly on plant science and agricultural mechanics. So when I was told that I would be teaching an introduction to agriculture class and could include both a large animal and small animal unit, I was excited... and a little nervous.

I took two years of veterinary science, and now I was being challenged to incorporate whatever I felt was important for large and small animals into 6 short weeks.

For my first unit plan, I decided to focus on the large animal science unit. After not only having two peer reviewers look over the unit, but also verbally discussing my unit with some other peers and mentors, I am incredibly excited to see how I can make this unit plan even better.

While I am nervous for the feedback I could receive, I keep reminding myself that this is only the first unit plan, and things can only go up from here!

Wish me luck!


  1. Kayla, it is great that you were able to complete your first unit plan on a subject you enjoy and are excited about teaching. Can you provide more detail about what your challenges and successes were as your wrote your plan?

  2. Kayla, you will undoubtedly encounter units that give you trouble while trying to plan/map them out. When you encounter one of these, don't forget all the resources available to you (NAAE COP, Ag Ed Net, etc.) to A.) not reinvent the wheel and, B.) at the very least give you some idea as to how to structure/organize a unit that you may not be comfortable with. Always here to help.
