Thursday, September 20, 2018

Go Get It!

This week, we were tasked with conducting a teaching lab with an interest approach which included an e-moment.

I chose to create an original lesson plan with an interest approach and e-moment for my introduction to agriculture class. The lesson will be conducted during my animal science unit where we will focus on lambs, hogs, and cattle.

My E-moment was entitled the Go Get It moment. This E-moment is a great way to get students up and moving. It can also be utilized at any point during a lesson when things seem dull.

I decided to try something that I had never seen before but thought was a creative and fun idea to get my students interested in the subject.

Some background:
I created this lesson to be during the middle of the week when I am teaching cattle. The beginning of the week would cover general cattle terminology and how to judge both beef cattle and dairy cattle. This topic was related to diseases in cattle, both dairy and beef. The lesson would begin with the interest approach and would lead into a group research project about one of the common cattle diseases.

Here are some gems and opps from my interest approach!

-The students seemed to love the e-moment and being able to get up and move around the room.

-I also feel as though I did a good job of connecting the content learned the day prior (cattle terminology) to the lesson for the day.

-I also liked how I had individual cards for each students so students were able to physically touch and see a different disease than their peers.

-I am still struggling with finding the balance between having a loud "cheerleader" voice, and being enthusiastic yet quiet enough for my students to lean in and want to listen to what I have to say.

-I also recognized that the imaged that I had laid around the room for the students were small and difficult to see/read what the picture was portraying.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, thanks for sharing the background details of what you interest approach was, and for including your gems and opps. I also like that you utilized an E-moment. However, don't forget to include reflection on what you would do to turn your opps into gems and any other insight you gained on what you would do differently if you taught this lesson again.
