Monday, October 29, 2018


This past lab, we were tasked with creating a lesson plan that was substitute worthy. However, all of our plans need to be substitute worthy. I felt very prepared for this lesson plan as my previous lesson plan seemed to be substitute worthy in regards to the amount of detail included in the lesson. For this lab, I walked in preparing to teach a lesson about how animals were classified. 
However, when we began lab, we were told that we would instead be teaching one of our peers lessons. I was incredibly thankful to Victoria for creating an easy to perform and easy to follow lesson plan. The lesson consisted of students determining what would be needed to prepare for a greenhouse sale, presenting a video, and then having students work on a project with scenarios that were previously created. However, I did find the second half of the lesson, with supervising the project hard to explain due to it not being my own lesson plan and not having a clear idea of what to expect. 

Some of the gems from this lesson included that I was able to take someone elses lesson plan and follow the plan for the most part other than some questions that I needed to prompt the students with to get to the answers. 

I think that some opportunities for improvement for this lesson would be having a better handle on the classroom as far as behaviors are concerned. Although the students were not my own, I still needed to be able to control certain behaviors that arose throughout the lesson. I also recognized that my voice inflection seemed a little bit like a mother yelling at her children at one point in time. I still need to be sure that my voice inflection is genuine throughout my lessons. I also need to be sure that although the lesson was not mine, that I am reading through the handouts so that I am aware of what the students are doing. 

Overall, I think that the substitute surprise lesson went well and I did not feel as pressured for things to go exactly as planned because I was simply following the plan that was given to me. 

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, great reflection! I like how you discussed your opps and how you would turn them into gems. What was your biggest/most useful takeaway from this lab experience?
