Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Teaching & Learning with Technology

Teaching and Learning with Technology? Technology has become so relevant in today’s society and simply continues to become an every day occurrence. Therefore, in order to reach our students, we need to incorporate technology into our lessons. #TLTSym18 was the first time that #psuaged19 got to sit down outside of class time and develop as professionals together. The symposium was an opportunity for each of us to grow professionally on an individual basis. We were able to interact with one another while being creative and attending workshops that interested us. I began my day with a workshop which discussed how professors were incorporating both face-to-face lectures and online lectures to better reach their students. I found this workshop especially interesting due to the fact that one of my SPLED classes is primarily an online class with one face-to-face session each week. This workshop truly opened my eyes to realizing how much time and effort our professors put into classes such as these and how they truly do look at how much the student improve in classroom setting such as these. I enjoyed the Keynote Speaker, Stephen J Dubner. Stephen did an excellent job of making his message interesting to a variety of audience members including a shout out to Norman Borlaug as well as incorporating hand hygiene and artificial insemination of monkeys. This professional development event allowed me to not only grow as an individual professional but to also bond with my cohort and get to know them all a little bit more.

PS- If you see a random person in the restroom with a notepad and pen, do not fret, it is likely Stephen J Dubner taking notes regarding hand hygiene.

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