Wednesday, February 28, 2018

In the Beginning

Hello all! My name is Kayla Stauffer, and in the blink of an eye, I will have a room full of bright high school students calling me Ms. Stauffer.

While I’m not entirely sure where I will be a year from now, this blog will help me to navigate through this crazy, yet exciting journey that 9 of my closest friends with embark on together. This blog will serve as a safe place for me to express what is going on throughout this journey as well as just reflect on the gems, and "opps" (opportunities) that this journey will create for me. With that being said, here’s a little bit of background on myself and what my agricultural education journey has been thus far.

                I was raised in a small town called Willow Street in the southern end of Lancaster County. I was unfamiliar with FFA until I was introduced to the Junior FFA program in 7th grade. My grandmother was a para-educator at the High School that I would soon attend and was always placed into the agricultural classrooms and told me how much she enjoyed working with the students and teachers and that if I wanted to be a veterinarian, I should try the animal science courses that the agriculture department offered. As the middle school years quickly passed by, I drifted from the idea of FFA and agricultural education. Beginning with my freshman year of high school, I was reintroduced to the FFA program and agricultural education through my Veterinary Science class.
Senior Pictures: 2015

               As the years once again flew by, I found myself falling more in love with agricultural education each day. I became more involved with the FFA chapter and began an SAE raising market lambs. I ended my journey through 12 long years of schooling with graduation in June of 2015. As the summer months came and went, I found myself packing up my ENTIRE wardrobe, and ANYTHING that I could possibly fit into my parents’ car and headed 3 hours away from home to the Altoona branch of Penn State University. At that moment in time, I had a feeling that teaching was where my heart was, however, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to teach. All that was relevant at the time was that agriculture had my heart.
September 2017- My final SAE project with market lambs

                However, I’m not the typical agriculture student that grew up on a farm and was solely invested in agricultural education whether that be FFA or 4H. 4H was never in my reach, therefore, I am unfamiliar with that area and extension in general. Agriculture was a huge part of my life, but I also had “the best of both worlds” from the age of 8 years old until my junior year of college. Beginning at age 8, I fell in love with the sport of cheerleading and gave up everything to be able to improve my skills and eventually make the high school cheerleading team, become captain of the team my senior year, continue my cheerleading journey into college, and begin my coaching career.
April 2016- NCA Cheerleading Nationals in Daytona, FL

                If you are not the “typical agriculture kid” and enjoy having the “best of both worlds”, I encourage you to follow this journey with me. Any suggestions, comments, or stories regarding agriculture, cheerleading, or any combination of the two, will always be appreciated and accepted. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about my journey and I hope that you continue to follow my journey.
